Understanding 2-1 Buy Downs

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What Is a 2-1 Buy Down?

A 2-1 buy down, often referred to as a temporary buy down, is a mortgage financing option that allows borrowers to secure a lower initial interest rate for the first few years of their loan term. This lower interest rate is achieved through the payment of additional upfront fees or points, which effectively “buy down” the interest rate.

The “2-1” in a 2-1 buy down refers to how the interest rate is adjusted over time. It typically involves a fixed, reduced interest rate for the first two years, followed by an increase in the third year, and then a further increase in the fourth year. After this initial period, the interest rate remains constant for the remaining term of the loan.

The primary purpose of a 2-1 buy down is to provide borrowers with more affordable mortgage payments during the critical early years of homeownership. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who anticipate increases in their income or expect to refinance their mortgage after the initial period.

How Does a 2-1 Buy Down Work?

Now that we’ve defined what a 2-1 buy down is, let’s delve into how it works in practice:

 Step 1: Determining the Buy Down Amount

The first step in setting up a 2-1 buy down is determining the amount by which you want to reduce your interest rate. This decision is typically based on your financial situation and your ability to make the initial buy down payment. The buy down amount can vary, but common options include a 1%, 2%, or 3% reduction in the interest rate.

Step 2: Upfront Payment

To secure the lower interest rate for the initial years of the mortgage, you will need to make an upfront payment in the form of points. Each point is equal to 1% of the loan amount. 

Step 3: Reduced Initial Interest Rate

Once the upfront payment is made, your lender will adjust the interest rate on your mortgage. With a 2-1 buy down, you’ll typically have a lower interest rate for the first two years of the loan. This means that your initial monthly mortgage payments will be lower than they would be with a traditional fixed-rate mortgage. 

Step 4: Gradual Rate Increases

As the years progress, the interest rate on your mortgage will gradually increase. For instance, if your rate is 7% and you got a 2- 1 buy down, your first year mortgage payments are going to be based off a 5% interest rate (7% – 2%). The next year your mortgage payment will be based off of a 6% interest rate(7% – 1%), hence the “2-1” designation. Starting year three and beyond, your mortgage payment will be based on a rate of 7%..  

Step 5: Monthly Payment Adjustments

With the interest rate adjustments in the third and fourth years, your monthly mortgage payments will increase accordingly. It’s essential to be prepared for these increases and ensure that you can comfortably manage the higher payments when the adjustments occur.

Advantages of a 2-1 Buy Down

A 2-1 buy down can offer several advantages for borrowers:

1. Lower Initial Payments: The reduced initial interest rate means lower monthly mortgage payments during the early years of homeownership, making it more affordable for borrowers, especially in the early stages.

2. Financial Flexibility: Borrowers who anticipate an increase in their income in the near future can benefit from lower initial payments, allowing them to ease into higher payments when their financial situation improves.

3. Easier Qualification: A 2-1 buy down can make it easier for borrowers to qualify for a mortgage, as the lower initial payments may lower their debt-to-income ratio and make them more attractive to lenders.

Considerations and Potential Drawbacks

While a 2-1 buy down can be advantageous, there are some considerations and potential drawbacks to be aware of:

1. Upfront Costs: The need to pay points upfront to secure the lower interest rate can be a significant financial commitment. Borrowers must assess whether they have the necessary funds to make the upfront payment.

2. Rate Increases: Be prepared for the interest rate adjustments in the third and fourth years, which will result in higher monthly payments. Ensure that your financial situation can accommodate these increases.

3. Long-Term Costs: While a 2-1 buy down provides short-term financial relief, it may result in higher overall costs compared to a traditional fixed-rate mortgage. Over the long term, the total interest paid may be greater.

4. Market Conditions: The effectiveness of a 2-1 buy down can be influenced by prevailing interest rates. If market rates are already low, the benefits of a buy down may be less pronounced.

Who Should Consider a 2-1 Buy Down?

A 2-1 buy down may be a suitable option for certain borrowers, particularly those in specific financial situations:

First-Time Homebuyers: First-time buyers looking to ease into homeownership with lower initial payments may find a 2-1 buy down appealing.

Anticipated Income Increase: Borrowers who expect their income to rise in the near future may benefit from the reduced initial payments, with the confidence that they can handle increased payments later.

Short-Term Ownership: Those planning to own the property for a limited period, such as a few years, can leverage the benefits of a 2-1 buy down without experiencing the full impact of long-term rate increases.

Refinancing Plans: Borrowers who intend to refinance their mortgage after the initial buy down period can capitalize on lower payments during the early years and refinance when rates are more favorable.


A 2-1 buy down is a mortgage financing strategy that allows borrowers to secure lower initial interest rates by making an upfront payment in the form of points. This can provide financial relief in the early years of homeownership, making it an attractive option for certain individuals, such as first-time homebuyers and those expecting increases in income.

However, it’s crucial for borrowers to consider the upfront costs, potential long-term expenses, and the impact of rate adjustments in the third and fourth years when evaluating whether a 2-1 buy down is the right choice for their specific financial situation.

Ultimately, a 2-1 buy down can be a valuable tool in a borrower’s toolkit, offering flexibility and affordability for those who need it. Before making a decision, it’s advisable to consult with a mortgage professional to assess your options and determine whether a 2-1 buy down aligns with your homeownership goals.

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